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Manadorned Full Crystal Pave

on June 1, 2024

Yes, I’m always looking for something new to add to the collection - and given that I’ve learned how to make my own adornments from interesting materials like aluminum, it was only a matter of time before I stumbled on a new great idea. I don’t know what took so long for this design, but it finally dawned on me one day that I’ve always been a fan of mixed material adornments (such as wood/metal, aluminum/rubber, etc) and it really wouldn’t be all that hard to design a mixed material ring of my own!

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ManAdorned Smooth Aluminum

on April 28, 2024

I couldn’t just make ONE new design while the creative juices were flowing, could I? Of course not! Joining the knurled aluminum design is this new sleek, smooth, and crisp cock ring. Most of my designs have an inset field with a pattern inside but I decided to go a different direction on this one after having such great feedback from the pillowed segments design. While I love the weight of a stainless ring, this one called for a bright polish that is best achieved with aluminum to really make the design as dapper and sharp as possible.

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ManAdorned Knurled Aluminum

on April 28, 2024

Well it’s been a while since I decided to design my own adornment again… and this fine example is quite a wonderful outcome! Given that I have been successful producing geometric designs with various inlays/patterns, a question dawned on me. Why in the world don’t I have a cock ring that has a classic knurled finish to it?!? Now I do! I figured the design would come out well given that several others have been cool, but I’m actually quite surprised by how handsome this one turned out!

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Kink3D 3D Printed Countour Ring

on February 2, 2024

KD over at KINK3D reached out to share some exciting news. They are expanding their line of high quality 3D printed chastity adornments to include a new cock ring - and asked if I would like a review sample to share thoughts and opinions. Of course, I’m always excited to try something new, so quickly jumped at the opportunity! When the ring arrived, I immediately put it on and wore it for two days straight to get a clear feeling for fit and performance.

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