
You’ve found yourself here on ManAdorned and are now wondering… what is this all about? Well, this site exists to serve a few purposes ranging from personal interests all the way to a sincere desire to share information and establish a basis for a community to grow.

We are here to talk about cock rings, cages, straps, weights, sounds and everything related

While many think it is crass to talk about things to put on the male anatomy, I disagree. Our manhood is a part of our body just like our fingers, ears, neck, eyebrows, lips, etc. All of those body parts mentioned have been accepted in our society as places to add adornments such as chains, jewelry, rings and studs. Why should your penis be any different? Because it’s “taboo”? Because the average passer-by cannot see it?

To hell with that.

  • There’s nothing wrong with wearing jewelry to feel and look better
  • There’s nothing wrong with enhancing your performance
  • There’s nothing wrong with being reminded of body throughout the day

Your cock is just as much a part of you as any other place you’d adorn. So celebrate your manhood. Adorn it with all the things.

Welcome, friend, to ManAdorned.


From time to time I will post blog entries here to the site to just discuss random thoughts related to the art of adornment. Many of us don’t know what we don’t know - and many of us have learned through experiences. Why not share that? As a community-focused personal site, sharing these thoughts allows others to learn and sometimes springs up new conversation and ideas for others.

That said, creating a blog is not the main intention of this site. It’s instead used sparingly as a tool for education from time to time as ideas strike me.

The collection

The idea for this site started after several years of collecting adornments. I have collected over time, literally, hundreds of toys/devices/jewelry for my manhood. The collection, starting from a single nitrile shaft ring I bought somewhat for shits and grins in college has exploded into an impressive assembly worthy of being celebrated.

In my collection, I have nearly every manner of adornment - whether that be your typical cock ring, something more extreme like a chastity cage, or all the things in between like weights and even sounds/plugs.

My commitment to myself and those interested in adornments is to add new adornments as I get them and capture information about them such as size, weight, material, manufacturer/product URL and product impressions when available. Selfishly, this gives me an easy place to quickly sort/filter the collection as I decide what to wear any particular day. But for the community, it serves as a great way to get more information…

What is out there

I’ve been collecting adornments for decades. I have items from the latest and greatest custom shops, cheap Chinese makers, defunct manufacturers, and a growing assortment of one-of-a-kind custom adornments. I wander the wastes of the internet seeking new manufacturers, products, and options throughout the year - keeping a regular beat on the options out there. And I clearly have a passion for the art.

So, use that to your advantage. This labor of love is put out there for anyone to make use of as I scour what is available. Are you a traveler as well? Let’s connect and share notes. Are you an enthusiast that just wants to see what another enthusiast is up to? Stop in from time to time.

The collection is always growing - sometimes by only one or two adornments a quarter, but my experience has shown me where to look and what to invest in. Let that experience take away some of the risk for you…

Product opinions

Purchasing any product on the internet brings about risks. Most of the time, it’s impossible to put your hands on an item that’s sold online before you commit to buy. It should come as no surprise that it’s even more difficult for a product intended to be in contact with your manhood. While some reputable retailers offer the ability to puchase, try, and return some types of rings, that policy is far from ubiquitous on the web.

Now amplify that risk by hundreds of dollars for some of the rings out there. No thanks!

How about a better idea? Read the reviews to reduce the risk. I certainly don’t need to add documentation to my collection for my own sake. After all, if I don’t remember what a ring looks like or feels like, I can just go pick it up in my own hands and get that instant refresher. Instead, I capture review notes and product notes as I add adornments for others’ information so they don’t end up getting burned or let down by a product that is intended to bring joy.

Many of the older items in my collection have sparse reviews. I’m certainly willing to go back and add data for those interested.