
Manadorned Full Crystal Pave

Yes, I’m always looking for something new to add to the collection - and given that I’ve learned how to make my own adornments from interesting materials like aluminum, it was only a matter of time before I stumbled on a new great idea. I don’t know what took so long for this design, but it finally dawned on me one day that I’ve always been a fan of mixed material adornments (such as wood/metal, aluminum/rubber, etc) and it really wouldn’t be all that hard to design a mixed material ring of my own!

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ManAdorned Smooth Aluminum

I couldn’t just make ONE new design while the creative juices were flowing, could I? Of course not! Joining the knurled aluminum design is this new sleek, smooth, and crisp cock ring. Most of my designs have an inset field with a pattern inside but I decided to go a different direction on this one after having such great feedback from the pillowed segments design. While I love the weight of a stainless ring, this one called for a bright polish that is best achieved with aluminum to really make the design as dapper and sharp as possible.

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ManAdorned Knurled Aluminum

Well it’s been a while since I decided to design my own adornment again… and this fine example is quite a wonderful outcome! Given that I have been successful producing geometric designs with various inlays/patterns, a question dawned on me. Why in the world don’t I have a cock ring that has a classic knurled finish to it?!? Now I do! I figured the design would come out well given that several others have been cool, but I’m actually quite surprised by how handsome this one turned out!

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ManAdorned Stainless Heavy Glans Ring

I am always seeking new ways to grow the collection, and what better way is there than to create yet another custom adornment? Inspired by this really great slash cut glans ring, I thought the design could be improved by enhancing the fit. So how did it turn out? Fantastic, of course! With the opportunity to 3D print multiple attempts in order to finely tune the model, this ring perfectly fits my contours.

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ManAdorned Aluminum Net Triple Ring

OK… so in a previous review, I may have said that I cannot decide if I like the hex pattern or the net pattern better for my own custom-designed adornment. I think I’ve settled on the net pattern being preferred - and to drive the point home, I decided to build a crowning achievement in my absolute favorite adornment style: a gorgeous triple ring of this current favorite design! The design itself just a fusion of the standard ring (review, a newly designed shaft ring and a newly designed ball ring.

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3D Printed Split Ring

Having signed up for the hard man outfitters newsletter/insider club, I received an e-blast about some upcoming new products. One of them was a new ring called a split dome (or something similar). I had seen this kind of ring before, but forgot all about them until the newsletter popped in. It got me thinking about the style again. Being oddly shaped compared to the other adornments in my collection, I was wondering if I would even like the fit at all when a thought occurred to me: The design is simple enough that I could model and print one to find out!

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ManAdorned Aluminum Hex Field

In case you can’t tell, I’ve come to enjoy custom designing my own adornments based on whatever design thoughts pop into mind! I’ve noticed lately that a lot of things out there now have a hex pattern on them. Everything from car grilles to enterprise server faceplates seem to be sporting a six-sided grid pattern rather than a boring square or diamond pattern. Well, why not give it a shot and see how it looks?

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ManAdorned Stainless Pillowed Segments

In case you can’t tell, I’ve come to enjoy custom designing my own adornments based on whatever design thoughts pop into mind! The design for this one struck me as I noticed our kitchen cabinets. When designing the kitchen a few years back, I recalled a myriad of choices regarding material/shape/cut/style/etc - just for the door frames. I remembered that we fell in love with the “pillowed” effect cabinets in a dark, rich stained color.

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ManAdorned Aluminum Studs

After creating two self-designed rings following the successful first custom-designed ring, I figured I was on a roll and should try for some more designs! The inspiring thought for this adornment was to replicate the look of a gem-paved band (like the terribly uncomfortable repurposed bangle experiment) for a “blingy” look. Unfortunately, the realities of manufacturing derailed the design similar to my previous attempt (which still turned out awesome!). Initially I started the design with square-shaped gems featuring a “princess cut” leading to an octagonal topped gem.

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ManAdorned Aluminum Net

I loved my first self-designed and created ring so much that I was practically antsy to try making another. As a complete nut for fishnet thigh highs, I thought it would be fun to design an adornment that simulated a fishnet pattern. For full effect, there would need to be a thick border and raised netting. The thought experiment turned out to fail in the real world, unfortunately! A fishnet diamond pattern (taller than it is wide) being raised from the field it is in is not possible because of the conical shape of the CNC bit.

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ManAdorned Aluminum Offset Boxes

The first in my series of self-designed and created rings, this brick-like offset pattern is carved into a 6061 aluminum body. As a test prior to manufacturing, this was made first on my 3d printer to ensure optimal fit and proportions. The pattern is inset by a few millimeters from a bevel cut edge with the pattern carved into the round profile of the ring. This ring features a perfectly proportioned inner radius to maximize comfort and minimize pinching with an overall width of just under .

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ManAdorned My Wedding Band - A Narrower Custom Stainless Creation

As I shared in a prior review, I’ve been smitten by a maker’s most exciting (and dangerous?) thing: new knowledge! Using my newfound knowledge of FreeCAD and where to have a custom ring manufactured, I made another custom creation to match the stainless steel version of my wedding band which itself was inspired by the custom design Andrew at Himeros jewelry created. The design of this ring is identical to the previous stainless steel design but was adjusted to match the proportions of one of the most comfortable adornments in my collection: the Gear Essentials Plunge.

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ManAdorned My Wedding Band - A Custom Stainless Creation

I was so absolutely excited to work with Andrew at Himeros to produce my wedding band in practically indestructible tungsten carbide material that I became inspired. Working with Andrew and exchanging image proofs of the proposed designs via email, I became motivated take my 3D modelling skills to the next level. I’ve been a long time user of simple modeling tools like sketchup and OpenSCAD and even used them to create some adornments (examples: 1, 2, 3… but they have their limitations in terms of complexity and attractiveness.

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