Wood Hard Wear

Wood Hard Wear Purpleheart Cock Ring

You can read a bit more about how I came across Wood Hard Wear in my previous review, but suffice to say: new opportunities to add to your collection have come! Seeking a 1.875" ring, Renlo made this adornment from aged purpleheart and finished it with a silver leaf inlay. The end result is an absolutely stunning 1.86" ring weighing just shy of half an ounce. I love it. This adornment is just plain beautiful.

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Wood Hard Wear Plywood Cock Ring

Finally! Another active manufacturer in wood adornments!!! Wood Hard Wear had a brief stint on Etsy selling wood rings, but life got in the way and the shop went on hiatus. As it turns out, the world of great appreciation for adornments is a small world, and I ran into Renlo on a chance thread on Reddit! He’s been recently experimenting in designs again and is rebooting at a new web shop woodhardwear.

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