Black Aluminum Rock Climbing Ring

| October 24, 2021

  • TypeRing, Cock
  • TagsRepurposed
  • MaterialsAluminum
  • ManufacturerGeneric
  • Product URLlink
  • Diameter1.782
  • Height0.465
  • Width0.465
  • Weight1oz

What do rock climing and cock rings have in common? No idea… but I do know that you can find an aluminum ring made for rock climing that serves as an excellent cock ring.

This adornment features a smooth black surface and imitates large wire cock rings with its almost 1/2" thickness… but can be had at a practical steal of only $5 from AliExpress and about a month’s wait for it to arrive. The ring does feature markings indicating it’s true purpose for existing, but they can easily be placed against the body and no one but yourself will be the wiser.

As far as cock rings go, this one holds its own without a challenge. Sized on the smaller size, it encourages GREAT erections and it’s next-to-nothing weight makes it a comfortable wear pretty much any time.