Blue Collar Fetish Wear Black Strap Shaft Ring Combo

| May 22, 2021

  • TypeCock, Shaft, Strap
  • TagsCustom, Combination, MixedMaterial
  • MaterialsLeather,Silicone
  • ManufacturerBlue Collar Fetish Wear
  • Product URLlink
  • Diameter1.875
  • Height0.22
  • Width0.585

Blue Collar Fetish Wear on Etsy offers some really great adornments with the ability to customize aspects of your order such as color and stitching. My favorite for getting down to business is the classic strap and shaft combo - and this one being customized to my choices makes it the perfect addition to the collection.

The elegant black strap is accented with purple stitching while the shaft ring strap received the inverse treatment of purple leather and black stitching. It is finished off with a black snap and the cheap rubber ring was replaced with a LeLuv thick silicone ring for better fit, added comfort, and improved style.

With such a modest asking price, the ability to customize for a personally unique adornment, and the fact that strap/shaft combos are awesome, Blue Collar Fetish Wear is probably my favorite place for all-things-leather when it comes to adornments!