Blue Collar Fetish Wear Blue Camo Strap

| September 19, 2021

  • TypeStrap, Cock
  • MaterialsLeather
  • ManufacturerBlue Collar Fetish Wear
  • Product URLlink
  • Diameter1.75
  • Height0.34
  • Width0.644

Given that Blue Collar Fetish Wear uses quality materials at reasonable prices and great designs, I found myself back at their Etsy shop when I realized I hadn’t picked up a new adornment for the collection in a while.

This five snap cock strap is made of supple, soft leather allowing for lots of adjustment. Although the quality and stitchwork is exceptional, one has to deal with the luck of the draw when it comes to the pattern. In my case, I got a mostly navy blue ring with only a few small spots of different colored camouflage. Kind of a bummer, but still a great adornment for the collection.