Blue Collar Fetish Wear Strap and Shaft Perfection

| March 11, 2023

  • TypeRing, Strap, Cock, Shaft
  • TagsFavorite, Combination, MixedMaterial
  • MaterialsLeather,Stainless Steel
  • ManufacturerBlue Collar Fetish Wear
  • Product URLlink
  • Diameter1.875
  • Height0.22
  • Width0.585

I make no secret about the fact that I adore combination adornments that feature cock and shaft encirclement. I am also extremely drawn to the black leather strap with a polished stainless ring combination because that was actually the second adornment I ever purchased! My first was a neoprene shaft ring at 1 1/4" which proved to be an intense entrypoint to the art given that it was at least 1/8" too small. But… I loved the effect and quickly became hooked, so sought the next level. I settled on a cheap faux leather strap that had a snap loop for the shaft ring and fell in love with the result.

Always looking to add to the collection, I figured it was about time I revisit such early designs that left an impression. I decided to replicate that first cheap design with optimal materials and proportions now that I know a whole lot more about what fits me well and what I like. Thus was born this “perfect” adornment.

The design features garment grade leather, as is found on all of the Blue Collar Fetish Wear offerings. It’s always great working with them because they are happy to customize the product to fit your desires - so a simple swap from plain black buttons to polished stainless buttons fit the bill. The strap is just shy of .6" in width and offers adjustability that aligns with the standard 1 1/2", 1 3/4" and 2" sizing in which most adornments can be found. With the perfect base chosen, it was time to do something about the boring neoprene rubber ring it comes with. I chose to replace it with a cock-a-hoops 8mm wire ring at 35mm inner diameter (I had completely forgotten that Hard Man Outfitters offers both 8mm and 10mm sizes for less, but the end result was roughly the same). Since I prefer my shaft rings relatively tight, anything under 8mm applies too much pressure to a narrow area. The loop for the shaft ring perfectly accommodated the 8mm ring, so I doubt a 10mm will fit (if you want to know, just reach out, I can test it so you don’t waste money).

While I have other great strap/ring combos, this one is a special design that takes me back to the roots of my collection and is perfectly designed and proportioned to fit me. As such, it has won a permanent spot in my favorites.