Custom 3D Printed Kalis Teeth

| October 26, 2020

  • TypeRing, Shaft
  • TagsCustom
  • Materials3D Print
  • ManufacturerCustom
  • Diameter1.25
  • Height0.28
  • Width0.489

As a crafty individual, I’m able to bring my hobbies to bear while customizing or creating entirely new adornments. In this case, I spent an afternoon modelling the ideal Kali’s Teeth glans/shaft ring and parameterizing the model (OpenSCAD) to support customization and adjustments. After a few prototypes, the perfect model was born allowing for choosing the diameter, spike height, spike size, and number of spike rows. Most interestingly, I was able to create this model and try a set of Kali’s Teeth for pennies before committing funds for something I may not enjoy.

The design of this adornment is identical to most Kali’s Teeth rimgs out there. It starts life as a standard shaft ring, sized up a little bit, and is then treated with inward facing spikes to create an intense but biting erection. For this sample, the somewhat rough/sharp nature of a standard 3D print was perfect and the black color is actually quite striking given the painful job this ring does.

All in all, an excellent way to spend an afternoon!