Custom Black Jade and Green

| December 28, 2022

  • TypeRing, Cock
  • TagsCustom
  • MaterialsJade
  • ManufacturerKayeeEthnic
  • Product URLlink
  • Diameter1.825
  • Height0.406
  • Width0.455
  • Weight1oz

As a fan of any adornment made of exotic materials, I become even more of a sucker for custom designs. Although I have experience with jade as a material for my adornments through repurposing bangles and other such items, it immediately drew my attention when I discovered that KayeeEthnic on Etsy offers custom-sized adornments specific to the art of manhood adornment. I had to have one.

This design features a generously portioned height and width to ensure that it does not dig in as the blood gets flowing. The inner profile is not radiused as is seen on other very comfortable rings, but this is much less of an issue given that the ring is less than half an inch in width. I’d have to say that the proportions of the design definitely fit the purpose as an adornment much more so than my repurposed jade bangles which have a tendency to cut/dig in. Makes sense given the purposes!

Unfortunately, the color is not what I was expecting. Prior to placing my order I made sure to check in to understand if the jade was as green as the listing picture showed or if it was predominantly black as the description notes. Fadhlur responded that the color is dark green with some parts being midnight black. While this is true to a degree, the green requires VERY bright light to show with the ring otherwise appearing black. On the plus side, I did raise the question of whether this could be cut to 47.5mm (1 7/8") and Fadhlur was happy to do so despite the size being outside the range of the listing. In my experience, requesting a larger size tends to lead to upcharges, but no such thing came from KayeeEthnic for that added 1/8".