Glass Sound Set

| March 11, 2023

  • TypePlug
  • MaterialsGlass
  • ManufacturerGeneric
  • Product URLlink
  • Diameter7
  • Height7

OK, I don’t use sounds very often, but when I do, I like to have a nice long set of sounds to feel more than just the sensation of the sound passing the urethra. This set is awesome for this!

The set, coming in sizes of 5mm to 12mm, is easy on the eyes thanks to the clean, crisp look of glass. Made of pyrex glass, they are also plenty durable to reduce any fears of shards breaking off inside a horribly uncomfortable place. For my experience level, 5 to 7mm is easily handled any given day with up to 8.5mm offering a bit of a challenge (and a bit of pain). I’ve never been able to fit a 10mm without tearing something, so I couldn’t imagine the monster that the 12mm sound is for.

None the less, this set is nice and smooth to offer a filling sensation and comes in a variety of sizes to ensure that there’s always a great size for the mood!