Hard Man Outfitters Dome Splitter

| January 4, 2024

  • TypeCock, Shaft, Ring
  • MaterialsStainless Steel
  • ManufacturerHard Man Outfitters
  • Product URLlink
  • Diameter1.755
  • Height0.23
  • Width0.23
  • Weight1oz

Remember when I mentioned that I saw a split domed ring from Hard Man Outfitters in their newsletter… but couldn’t find it? Well… I found it! I’m not sure what is up with HMO’s website and their search results, but finding products from search engines on their site is always hit or miss!

I would recommend reading the previous review for impressions of this style of adornment. Cliff’s Notes: I’m a fan! I love how they look and how they wear. They’re also subtly shaped in a way that you could go stealth mode and wear them all day long. For this particular specimen, it differs from the 3d printed model I created in two key ways: it’s polished (gorgeous) and the wire is thinner. The inner diameter is only about .002mm off of the ordered size coming in at 1.755". The steel wire is .230" thick and it all comes together to weigh 1.81oz. Made in stainless, I was curious how the weld attaching the two wires would come out. As can be seen in the picture, there was generous filler material applied to avoid the corners being tight/sharp to pinch our sensitive bits. As usual, this is a thoughtfully designed adornment from HMO! Also, as you can see on their website, ordering in a 40mm size will get you an adornment that works quite well on the scrotum as a ball separator giving a little more visual bling for those that enjoy testicle weights.

As a huge fan of big and heavy adornments, I would love to see this ring made with a thicker wire. When engorged and full-on, these narrow wires have a tendency to create pressure points that make extended play uncomfortable. The 8mm wire size of the 3d printed adornment I made is a great start - and I’d say a 10mm size in this highly polished stainless finish would be drop dead gorgeous, comfortable, and a fair bit heavier too. YES PLEASE!