Long Tapered Training Sound

| September 30, 2023

  • TypePlug
  • MaterialsStainless Steel
  • ManufacturerGeneric
  • Product URLlink
  • Diameter11.5
  • Height9

OK, so I have been on a sounding kick lately! I know it’s not for everyone but I do enjoy the feeling as a well sized sound slides in - it’s just not like any other sensation. I’ve admitted before that I am not an advanced player when it comes to sounding so imagine my delight when I came across this Etsy listing for a very long, gradually tapered sounding rod! I’m not an expert… bit this sure is a great way to train for those looking to stretch a vit further.

The design is very straightforward. Made from stainless steel, this sound increases in diameter from the rounded tip measuring 5.94mm all the way up to a massive 11.34mm bulb. The full length of the sounding rod is about ten inches guaranteeing that the taper is gradual and gentle the whole way there. Oddly enough, there are sizing marks starting around the middle claiming about 10mm and increasing along the remaining length. According to ny digital calipers, these markings are wholly inaccurate - which is a bummer since the reason one would use a training sound like this is to get to know what size you can take. Further… why only start with the measurements so far up the rod anyway? Odd as it is… just ignore it.

The sound sure does play nicely, though! The easing of the diameter change along the length is absolutely perfect for its purpose. While it slides in like any sound, you will feel the stretch. I max out around 9mm or so and have imagined my goal to get to 10mm. Gently sliding this sound in while lubed will naturally come to a stop at one’s current, unstretched size. Slow and gentle increases in pressure from that point forward begins the stretching. It can be intense - so move deliberately but gingerly.

The timing of finding this sound was particularly interesting. I was actually in talks with my parts manufacturer to build something just like it! Further coincidental to the interesting timing: I can’t find this thing available online anywhere. The Etsy seller I bought from appears to have gone on hiatus, delisting all of their items. I assume this came from some generic manufacturer since most of the seller’s other items were typical stuff you would find in numerous adult stores. With luck, perhaps another seller will offer these soon!