
Make Your Own Custom Adornment Storage Organizers

Not to brag, but I am quite proud of the latest storage mechanism for my adornments. After searching high and low for an organizer set that would fit my goals, I just could not find what I needed - so decided to make my own! As a maker for many years (even before “maker” was common parlance), I have experience with many different tools and platforms for creating “stuff”, so I set out to winnow down the various options out there.

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Collection Storage - Fifth Generation

As the collection has grown, so has the need to store everything. Each evolution of storage has required some clever thinking to be effective. This fifth generation solution of adornment storage is the best of all, if I do say so myself. As an avid collector, with hundreds of items in the collection and no desire to slow down or stop any time soon, I was beginning to burst at the seams of my prior storage solution and needed to think about a new way of storing things.

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Collection Storage - Fourth Generation

As the collection has grown, so has the need to store everything. Each evolution of storage has required some clever thinking to be effective. This is the fourth generation of the collection - and is ultimately just an evolution on the third generation and first generation solutions. With so much space available for rings, I had no issues… but as I decided to play more with sounds and glans rings, I outstripped the ability of my storage solution to keep up.

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Collection Storage - Third Generation

As the collection has grown, so has the need to store everything. Each evolution of storage has required some clever thinking to be effective. This is the third generation of the collection. As I continued to expand my collection with a strong focus on rings, the need to roughly double or triple the capacity of the storage solution became evident. Because the previous generation of storage suited me quite well, I brought forward several parts of the solution into this generation.

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Collection Storage - First Generation

As the collection has grown, so has the need to store everything. Each evolution of storage has required some clever thinking to be effective. This very first storage solution for the collection is how it all began: the place we stored our sex toys of all variety. As can be seen in the image, this storage solution holds sundry playtime things from ranging from leathers to insertables. The storage solution is simply a vaultz locking storage box.

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